MAGUEY Community Integration Circle
February 2023
There are three key phases when working with altered states of consciousness. The first would be preparing and connecting, in the period beforehand. Then comes the altered state itself, perhaps for example during a truffle ceremony. And then the phase of integration.
Integrating and embodying the insights that come from these experiences into daily life is what makes them truly transformational.
However, integration can be challenging.
It’s important to remember that integration is a process, a continual unfolding and not a final destination. A process that can take many years and may never reach a final conclusion.
In many cultures where plant medicines and heightened states of consciousness are traditionally practiced, community structures are often in place to offer support to those that need it. However, in our societies where such practices are still uncommon or even taboo, we often lack the community network we need to fully connect with our experiences.
For that reason, we have decided to set up the MAGUEY Community Circle.
The MAGUEY Community Circle
The MAGUEY Community Circle will be a place where those of you that have undertaken a MAGUEY programme can come together in community. It will be a place to share experiences and to be witnessed. It will be a place to listen to the stories of others and to learn from their experiences. It will simply be a place to be, with others who share a common bond though similar experience.
How will this work?
Community Circles will be held online, on a bi-monthly drop-in basis and will be made available on a no-obligation donation basis.
I look forward to welcoming you to the MAGUEY Community Circle and connecting further.
In friendship,