
What are psychedelics?
Psychedelics are a group of substances, plant based and synthetic, that can induce heightened states of consciousness. They include amongst others Psilocybin (mushrooms/truffles), DMT, Ayahuasca,, San Pedro (Huachuma), Peyote, Mescaline and LSD.
The term psychedelic has been commonly used since the 1960s and comes from the Greek psyche, meaning mind or soul and delein meaning to manifest - thus mind/soul manifesting. In the 1950s Aldous Huxley had suggested his own term phanerothyme, coming from Greek phaneroein meaning visible and thymos soul, thus visible soul. For many the term entheogens, generating the divine within is better suited to describe these substances, as this term possibly distinguishes their ancient spiritual role from the recreational uses to which they have often been associated.
Psychedelics or entheogens have been used by many cultures for thousands of years, whether by shamanic practitioners or as part of religious or spiritual practices to reach altered states of consciousness and it has only been in recent times that their power has become known in the West.
Psilocybin, mushrooms and truffles
I choose to work with psilocybin truffles.
Over 200 species of ‘magic mushrooms’ contain the psychoactive compounds psilocybin and psilocin. Once ingested such psilocybin containing mushrooms can create an altered state of consciousness, which if undertaken in the right set and setting can aid us profoundly with our self-development.
Whist ‘magic mushrooms’ are illegal in the Netherlands, ‘magic truffles’ (forthwith referred to as truffles), the below ground truffle component of mushrooms, are legal as they differ technically and scientifically from a mushroom.
This allows those of us who are in the Netherlands an immense opportunity to legally journey with these plant medicines.
A benefit of working with truffles is that the journey time can be relatively short (4-6 hours), depending on the dose, and they can be easier on the body than other psychedelics. That in no way diminishes the power and value of truffles and appropriately dosed journeys undertaken in the right environment offer immense opportunity for deep self-discovery, healing and growth.

Why with a psychedelic coach?
When psychedelics are taken in an intentional and respectful setting, they have the power to significantly aid and promote healing, personal discovery, and growth.
Using their knowledge and experience to create the right holistic process and environment to enable this full experience is the primary role of the coach or guide. This includes supporting your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing through the phases of preparation, journeying and integration, as well as maintaining your safety, trust and confidentiality.
This will enable you to arrive well prepared, present, and with clear intentions. It will assist you to fully surrender to the unfolding experiences, knowledgeable that you are safe and well supported. To ensure what unfolds becomes a meaningful and lasting part of your life you will be assisted afterwards with integration.

Who is this for?
A wide variety of people are drawn to undertake this work, including (but not limited to):
The Brave One - who is ready to heal and connect with their truth.
The Leader - who wants to open their mind, heart, and soul to new possibilities.
The Creative - looking to find inspiration.
The Seeker - taking another step in their pathway of personal growth, or spiritual development.
The Curious - who is just drawn to courageously ‘step through the door’ and see what awaits on the other side.