Individual programmes

A fully integrated, personalised and one-to-one service that supports your psychedelic experience through preparation,
ceremony, and integration.

In the weeks before your journey.
Discovery call - An informal conversation to kick things off to answer any basic questions you may have and to gauge initial levels of interest and vibe – establishing trust between us both is vital.
Information – Background information supplied to help you make your decision. Intake and screening information requested from you to enable an assessment whether guidance can take place, and assuming so to tailor the service to your needs. Provision of detailed guidance materials to help prepare yourself.
Coaching session – A formal 1-2 hour coaching and intake session (either face-to-face or online), to reflect on your preparation, further understand your background and expectations, and to establish the parameters of care for your experience.

Allow a full day for your psychedelic ceremony, including beforehand a few hours personal preparation and then 6-8 hours together where you can lay back, and go deep.
Welcome – settling in, tea drinking and housekeeping.
Ceremony – including stating intentions, meditation/breath/energy work and the conscious consumption of your truffles.
Journeying – 4-6 hours of your psychedelic journey, where you will travel through different energy flows, levels of personal connection and transformative insight.
Landing – time will be allowed for you to land softly and come back down to earth. We will finish the day eating a soup together as you will be hungry and need some energy to make your return home.
Integration - The day after your journey we will come together in gentle reflection to re-connect with your psychedelic experience. Weather depending this will be outside in nature. Further communications over the following days via text etc is possible to help with any other integration needs you may have.
A further integration session will be held 4 weeks later to reflect and connect further with the emerging process.
Further support – further support is as an extra service including coaching, sharing-circles, and workshops etc.
All together this service will cover at least 1.5 days of tailored one-to-one support.

After considering and trying a number of locations for individual sessions I have taken a conscious choice to invite people in to my own home and guide from there. I am blessed to live in a wonderful home in central Amsterdam and I love to share it with others, especially for this work. In fact, in my own personal psychedelic journeys my home, it’s energy and it’s bigger purpose have featured many times, so I now choose to follow that guidance.
If you have a preference for another location this can of course be discussed, it will need to meet certain criteria to ensure you have a quality experience.
If you are a visitor to Amsterdam I am able to assist you with recommendations for hotels, services, treatments etc. that can compliment your psychedelic experience, please just ask.

Please get in touch for a full breakdown of prices